Friday, November 2, 2012

Quick Update

I cannot for the life of me get my list on the sidebar to update...

So, a quick update here: 
Just finished Happier at Home.  Loved it. 
Read The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton.  Not on my fall reading list.  Pretty good.  Not my favorite of hers but good. 
Re-read Gone Girl for book club.  Enjoyed it a second time. As expected, it was good for discussion.  I learned yesterday that the audio version is read by both a male and female reader...intriguing.
Next up is The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny.  Also not on the fall reading list, but I love her mysteries and this is the perfect time of year for them.
Just ordered Dies the Fire for book club.
Counted this morning...I think I've finished 9 of my list of 17.  Not bad.  I have two more fiction books on the list and 6 more non-fiction.  A little unbalanced perhaps. 

That's all. 


  1. Over half way there! You can totally finish! :) and you are SO going to win a prize next book club because you always read the books....even Gone With The Wind...hehe!

  2. Going through your sidebar and adding all of your books to my Goodreads. Some good ones :)
