I finished "The Pillars of the Earth" a little over a week ago. I'm making myself hold off for a bit on the sequel, "World without End". I must get to the library books that don't have any renewals left. I did find out that "The Pillars of the Earth" is being made into a mini-series (I guess that's what you would call it) to be shown on Starz (we don't have it, but some friends do). And, it was rather appropos to watch the new "Robin Hood" just after finishing this book. The movie is set in the same time period.
This weekend, I finished "The Housekeeper and the Professor". If you love math, you should read this book. If you don't, you might (like me) be a bit confused at points, but it's still a sweet story set in Japan. The Housekeeper works for a Professor whose memory only lasts 80 minutes. Can you imagine?
I'm still working on and loving "The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop". And, I'm picking up "Unveiled" by Francine Rivers from the library today. And, I need to get started on re-reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" for this month's book club.
On my nightstand (it's kind of like the on-deck circle in baseball): "The Book Thief", "World without End", "The Whole Life Adoption Book", and many others.
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